Koofr on Android devices Help

Getting started with Koofr for Android devices

Koofr app for Android provides an easy way to quickly and securely store, share, organize, move and access files and folders between mobile devices, stationary devices, and cloud storage. You can even integrate storage from other cloud service providers, such as Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive and Amazon Drive.

Getting started:

  • Download Koofr Android App from Google Play here.
  • Install Koofr on your Android device.
  • Press the Koofr icon to start the Koofr app.
  • Login to your Koofr profile using your Koofr username and password or sign in with your Google account. You can access your profile details by pressing the Settings icon in the upper- right corner of the screen.

What type of files can I view in Koofr on my Android device?

You can view or run any file that is stored in Koofr as long as your Android device has tools or applications to handle that file. In addition, Koofr natively supports the most common photo file types. Videos, documents, music etc. are viewed using external applications.

How do I select a file/folder or multiple files/folders on my Android device?

List view: You press and hold a file to select it and a check mark will appear next to it when it is selected. To select multiple files press on as many files as you want to select and check marks will appear next to all of the selected files.

OR you press the More options menu icon in the upper right corner of the screen and press Select. You press on the file or multiple files you want to select and check marks will appear next to all of the selected files. You can also choose the Select all option from the More options menu to select all of the files at once.

Gallery view: You press and hold a file to select it and a check mark will appear over the file when it is selected. To select multiple files press on as many files as you want to select and check marks will appear over all of the selected files.

OR you press the More options menu icon in the upper right corner of the screen and press Select. You press on the file or multiple files you want to select and check marks will appear over all of the selected files. You can also choose the Select all option from the More options menu to select all of the files at once.

How do I download files to my Android device using Koofr?

You can download a file from Koofr by pressing and holding the file to select it (OR pressing the More options menu icon in the upper right corner of the screen and pressing Select). A check mark will appear next to the file when it is selected. A downward facing arrow appears (the download icon) in the upper right corner of the screen. Press on it to download the selected file. You can also select multiple files in order to download them one by one.

Note: A short press on the file will open the file, if there is an application on your Android device that can open such a file type directly from the web. Otherwise, the short press will download the file as well.

How do I download a folder to my Android device using Koofr?

You can download a folder from Koofr by pressing on it to select it. A check mark will appear next to the folder when it is selected. A downward facing arrow appears (download icon) in the upper right of the screen. Press on it to download the selected folder. A folder will be downloaded as a _.zip file in the Downloads folder of your device.

How do I create folders in Koofr on Android devices?

To create a new folder, press the [+] button in the bottom right corner of the screen. A menu pops-up where you can press Create Folder. Name your new folder and select Create to confirm the new folder name.

How do I upload a file/folder to Koofr from my Android device?

You have two options for uploading your files to Koofr from your Android device.

Option 1: Upload a file/folder within the Koofr application:

  • Select the Koofr icon from the Main menu
  • Press the [+] button in the bottom right corner of your screen
  • Select Upload File, Upload Photo or Upload folder from the pop-up window
  • Locate the file/folder on your device
  • Koofr opens the system file picker, allowing you to choose the file/folder to upload
  • When you find your file, simply press on it and it will start uploading to your Koofr
  • You can also select multiple files in order to upload them all
  • When files are selected, press the icon in the upper-right corner (More options menu icon) and press Open
  • This action will upload your files/folder to Koofr

Option 2: Upload a file using any type of application that allows sharing of its data for Android devices (ex. file manager, gallery application, etc.) In the sharing menu of these applications, you will always have Koofr as a choice.

  • Browse a file on your Android device using your favourite file browsing application
  • Press on the chosen file/folder for at least two seconds to select it
  • When you release the file, a menu will pop-up
  • Select Share or Send to option
  • Select the Koofr icon after the menu pops-up
  • When you are transferred to Koofr navigate to the folder to which you wish to upload the file
  • Press Share in the bottom right corner of the screen
  • Your file is now safely stored in Koofr
  • If you want to cancel your action before completion press Cancel in the bottom right corner of the screen

How do I automatically upload new photos from my Android device to Koofr?

Koofr has an option to automatically upload new photos from your device. This allows you to quickly upload pictures directly from your phone to the Koofr app with no manual intervention.

To automatically upload new photos:

  • Open your Koofr app and press the Home icon in the upper left corner of the screen to get to the Main menu if you are not there yet
  • Press on the Settings icon in the upper right corner of the screen
  • Press the Media upload
  • Enable Upload new media files which enables automatic uploads of photos and videos to Koofr
  • Enable Only over WiFi if you want to enable backups only when you are connected to a wireless network
  • Optionally you can press the Back up existing media files button, which will back up all existing photos and videos from your device to Koofr

Note: You can find the automatically uploaded files in the Main menu of the Koofr webapp in My Android Media.

Where can I find my automatically uploaded media files?

You can find the automatically uploaded files in the Main menu of the Koofr webapp if you click on My Android Media.

Do I need to leave my Koofr app open when I am waiting for my files to be uploaded?

No. The Koofr app can upload your files in the background, while you are doing other things. When running the initial backup of media files, which might take some time, we suggest plugging your phone in an outlet and letting it do the backup in full.

What are Offline files and how to use them?

Offline files enables you to keep a copy of any file/folder saved on Koofr stored on your Android device. Files/folders stored locally will be accessible for viewing in the Koofr app even when your device isn't online (i.e. on the plane or on vacation). While in the file list inside the Koofr app, simply select a file/folder and press the More options menu icon. Select Copy offline from the drop-down menu. You can see the files/folders available for offline use in the Main menu under Offline files.

Note: Offline files doesn't just make a one time copy of the file, but it actually observes the original file on the server. Every time the file changes on Koofr, your local copy will be updated, when the device comes online.

How do I share files from my Android device?

Sharing a file allows the selected people to access files you give them access to.

To share a file/folder:

  • Find or create a file/folder you want to share
  • Press the Share icon on the right-hand side of the file/folder (OR press on the file to select it and press More options menu icon. Select Share from the menu that appears)
  • When a new window appears choose the option to share with Koofr users
  • When Share with window pops-out, simply type in the name of the person you wish to share with. Person’s name will be auto-suggested as soon as you start typing if you've ever shared with them before.
  • If the person you want to share with is not in your group, and you’ve never shared with them before, you can type in their Email address to start sharing with them
  • You can add multiple people to share with by pressing the [+] button on the right side of the text box in Share with window
  • When you finish adding people, simply press Done in the bottom left corner of the window
  • The file/folder is now shared Note: This options of sharing is equal to the Add people option in the Koofr WebApp. You can share files/folder with anyone. If the people you shared your files/folders with are not Koofr users, they will receive an invitation to sign-up for the free Koofr account, before they can view the files/folders.

In Koofr you can create two types of links – the Send link link and the Receive files link.

  1. Send link link:

    Send link link enables third parties to download files/folders from your Koofr even if a person is not a Koofr user. Link is created and can be sent via Email, various Social media or text messaging services.

    To create it:

    • Choose file or folder for which you want to create a download link.
    • Press the Share icon on the right side of the chosen file/folder
    • Share with window will pop-up offering multiple communications services through which you can share your link
    • Select a service through which you want to share the download link (ex. Email, text message)
    • Koofr will create a download link, copy it into your selected service and take you there.
    • Enter the desired person’s contact information (e.g. an Email address) and send them the link, from which they can download your files/folders.

    Note: With this option, you can also share the files with people who don’t have Koofr accounts. This is read-only access; others cannot upload files through these links.

  2. Receive files link

    The Receive files link enables third parties to upload files from their devices to your folder in Koofr, even if they are not Koofr users. Link is created and can be sent via Email, various Social media or text messaging services.

    To create it:

    • Choose the folder that you want the received files stored in
    • Press on the folder for a few moments to select it. The folder is selected once you get a checkmark in front of it.
    • Press the More options menu icon in the upper right-hand corner
    • Select Receive files from the drop-down menu to create an upload link, which allows others to upload files into the folder you selected
    • Share with window will pop-up offering multiple communications services through which you can share your link
    • Select a service through which you want to share the link (ex. Email, text message)
    • Koofr will create an upload link, copy it into your selected service and take you there.
    • Enter the desired person’s contact information (e.g. an Email address) and send them the link to which they can upload files to share with you.

Alternatively, you can choose to copy the Send link link or the Receive files link’s URL to the clipboard, by selecting Copy to clipboard in the Share with window. You can then paste the link wherever you want to.

Note: This option enables people to add files to your folder without having a Koofr account.

Currently, there is no way to view the share links in one place in the Android devices. But, you can see which files/folders are shared and in which way by looking at their icons. You can manage your links in the Koofr WebApp.

How do I copy files/folders in Koofr on my Android device?

If you want to copy files/folders on your Android device:

  • Press on the chosen file/folder for at least two seconds, which will select the file/folder
  • You can also select multiple files/folders. Read more about it here
  • Press the More options menu icon in the top right corner of the screen
  • When the drop-down menu opens, select the Copy
  • Browse to a location in your Koofr to which you want to copy and press Copy at the bottom right side of your screen to confirm
  • If you want to cancel the action before completion press the Cancel button on your screen.

How do I move files/folders in Koofr on my Android device?

If you want to move files/folders on your Android device:

  • Press on the chosen file/folder for at least two seconds, which will select the file/folder
  • You can also select multiple files/folders. Read more about it here
  • Press the More options menu icon in the top right corner of the screen
  • When the drop-down menu opens, select Move
  • Browse to a location to which you want to move the file/folder and press Move at the bottom right side of your screen to confirm
  • If you want to cancel your action before completion press the Cancel button on your screen.

How do I rename files/folders in Koofr on my Android device?

If you want to rename files/folders on your Android device:

  • Press on the chosen file/folder for at least two seconds, which will select the file/folder
  • Press the More options menu icon in the top right corner of the screen
  • When the drop-down menu opens, select Rename
  • When a new window pops up, type in the new name of the file/folder and press “Rename” to confirm
  • If you want to cancel your action before completion press the Cancel button on your screen.

How do I delete files/folders from Koofr on my Android device?

If you want to delete file or folder:

  • Press on the chosen file/folder for at least two seconds.
  • You can also select multiple files/folders. Read more about it here
  • Press on the Recycle bin icon in the upper right side of the screen (OR drag your finger over your file/folder from left to right and press on the Recycle bin icon that appears
  • You will see a Your files are being deleted message at the bottom of your screen You can find your deleted files in the Main menu under Deleted files.

How can I restore my deleted files?

You can restore your files by pressing on the Deleted files in the Main menu. You will be able to see all the files that you deleted there. Find the correct file and press on it. Hold it, until a check mark appears next to it, and the file is selected. Press on More options menu icon and select Undelete. The file will be restored to the location where it was before you deleted it.

If you want to undelete multiple files/folders, press and hold a file/folder and then check the checkboxes on the left side of files/folders, you want to select. When files/folders are checked/selected, click the Undelete button.

You can restore your files within 7 days of deletion if you have a free Koofr account and within 30 days of deletion if you have a paid Koofr account. After that period, your files will be permanently deleted from Koofr and you can no longer restore them.

How do I bookmark a folder on my Android device?

Koofr has an option to Bookmark folders, which allows you to quickly access your most commonly used files.

To bookmark a folder:

  • If you want to bookmark a folder, go into the chosen folder
  • Press the Bookmark icon on the right-hand side of the screen, which will change its colour to grey
  • The folder is now bookmarked
  • You can access your bookmarked folders in the Main menu under Bookmarks

What are Jobs and where can I view them?

A new job is created when you copy, move or delete a larger amount of files. Performing these jobs in the background allows you to keep using Koofr while our servers do the work. Individual jobs and their progress will be displayed in the Main menu under Jobs. Finished jobs will be automatically removed from this list after 2 days.

How do I manage shares and stop sharing on my Android device?

You can access, view edit or delete your shared folders by clicking the Shared button in the Main menu of the app. If you want to edit who the file/folder is shared with, press the pencil icon on the right side of the file/folder for which you want to change the sharing permissions. The Share with window will pop-up. Type in new users or delete the old ones by pressing the Recycle bin icon next to their details.

Koofr allows you to password protect all your Send link links and Receive files links. With this action, you secure your links and your Koofr storage from accidental or deliberate misuse.

To password protect your links:

  • Open your Koofr app and press the Home icon in the upper left corner of the screen to get to the Main menu if you are not there yet
  • Press the Settings icon in the upper right-hand corner of the screen
  • Find Security and press it
  • Enable Set password for sending files to password protect your Send link links
  • Enable Set password for receiving files to password protect your Receive files links
  • When these two options are enabled, the password is sent automatically with the link you create.

The default setting for expiration date of the links created on your Android device is never. You cannot change the expiration date on your Android device. You can edit this only in the Koofr WebApp.

How do I connect Dropbox/Google Drive/OneDrive/Amazon Cloud Drive with Koofr on my Android device?

With Koofr you can access all the data you have stored in your Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive and Amazon Cloud Drive cloud services directly from your Koofr application and organize all your data in one place.

  • When in the Main menu of the app press Connect
  • Select the service you want to connect to
  • A browser will open, allowing you to sign-in to the service you want to link to Koofr
  • Now you can see your Dropbox/Google Drive/OneDrive/Amazon Cloud Drive folders in your home screen. You can connect more accounts from the same cloud service provider to Koofr, there are no limits.

On 16.11.2019 Amazon discontinued access from Koofr to Amazon Drive API. Unfortunately this is not a decision made by Koofr. Amazon decided to no longer allow third-party applications access to their service. This means many services, including Koofr can no longer connect to Amazon Drive. All other external cloud connections still work and will remain part of the Koofr service. You can read more about it here.